What To Expect from English Enrichment Programs

English enrichment programs have curriculums and guidelines aligned with the school systems. The idea is for the enrichment program to build on what the child learns in school and better prepare the child for advanced English classes. 

English enrichment programs aim to enhance the academic capabilities highlighted by the Ministry of Education. 

Reading And Writing Skills

The English enrichment programs aim to enhance young children’s reading and comprehension skills. When you send your child to English enrichment classes, the English tutor will give you a guideline with a list of what you should expect from the programs. 

Some of the skills that young children in primary school are expected to gain include;

● Ability to read, comprehend and respond to age-appropriate literary texts. 

● Recognition of vowel and consonant sounds.

● Comprehension and evaluation of texts. 

● Organize, classify, and compare basic English information.  

● Understand the importance of listening actively and doing it passively. 

● Learning how to present ideas effectively and respectfully.

● Correct recognition and utilization of volume, tone, sentence stress, and pace in verbal communication. 

● Application of correct grammatical rules in sentence construction.

● Confidence in reading. 

Major skills young children gain from English enrichment classes.;

● Vocabulary-building.

● Narrative intelligence.

● Critical thinking skills.

● Phonics.

● Sentence structural awareness. 

● Active engagement. 

● Conversational skills. 

● Argument conversation skills.

Personalized English Programs For Older Children.

Older children tend to receive personalized English enrichment programs because they already have a foundation in the language. Older children have different challenges, so they need an English program designed to meet their individual needs. 

Instead of making assumptions based on the child’s age or class, the English tutor will evaluate your child and structure a suitable English enrichment program.

For example, the tutor will test your child on basic word recognition and spelling. They may also test reading, comprehension, and writing skills. This way, your child gets a program that will help him overcome the challenges he faces and prepare him for advanced English. 

English tuition in Singapore for older students also has its learning objectives. So, even though the program is often personalized, there are general objectives that English tutors seek to fulfil. 

Some of the issues that English enrichment programs at this level seek to cover are the following;

● Poetry.

● Literary analysis.

● Grammar.

● Short stories.

● Literary devices. 

● Structured paragraphs.

● Essays.

English programs at this level are more challenging but rewarding because the child is more aware of his progress and achievements. Tutors also create a conducive environment for students to engage with one another and build on their vocabulary skills. 

When they get to this stage, students build habits that are likely to stay with them even in adulthood. When they develop an interest in reading, they are likely to keep doing it as they grow. The skills they earn will also be beneficial in their careers. 

Every child should set targets they aim to achieve from attending English enrichment classes. Ask your child to set goals they wish to attain in English tuition classes. This will motivate them to work hard and focus on the classes. Likewise, the tutor will be able to measure their achievements against the objectives of the enrichment classes.